Website Traffic Analysis


Website Traffic Analysis


The web traffic tool is which helps you keep a track about the traffic of your website. With this tool you will be able to find out how many people are visiting the website, who is visiting the website and when they are coming, are they returning visitors or new visitors? Nowadays with the increasing popularity of web-based companies has almost become a necessity.  It’s a solution for real time web analytics problems and provides on demand services in the IT sector without costly investments.  It can even generate information like search engine keywords and links that are coming from outsource.
 The data (packets) captures was further analysed using MATLAB which is a tool for graphing network data from which conclusions from the graphs was drawn that ABU’s current network traffic is underutilized and far from optimal in terms of Internet Inbound/Outbound traffic generated by its users (staff/students). It has also been observed that defensive bandwidth management is insufficient in respect to the institution’s aims and objectives on its network usage. This emphasises the need for improved bandwidth management and optimization. Keyword: Network monitoring traffic, Monitoring software (packet sniffer), Packet capture and Traffic analysis.


The information that is sent and the data that is being received in a website considered as website traffic and it's a large part of the cyber traffic.  Monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic for any website is important.  The information can also be used to identify trends of the web pages and it can also be used to improve the other web pages.  Web traffic tool is also used to check popularity of the website and also separate pages or divisions within a site.
This solution is expensive, short term and does not scale. As soon as the upgrade is done the congestion problem will improve for a while and later gradually deteriorate as the users change their behavior in response to the upgrade. The alternative solution to this problem is to deploy a scalable network traffic monitoring and analysis system, in order to understand the dynamics of the traffic and changes in the internet and overall stability of the network. In addition to knowing the health status of the network, monitoring of network activity also has the benefits of detecting denial of service (DoS) and bandwidth theft attacks.

Statement of Problem 

The ABU network is expected to have growing number of hosts with the growing number of staff and students, the following problems are encountered: i.A way of giving priority to traffic based on users classes, applications or time of the day to make maximum utilization and optimization of bandwidth has not been implemented, ii.A mechanism that makes sure that the University bandwidth is used for the intended purpose (Academic and research related) and discovering when it is not in place are not available iii.In addition bandwidth is often consumed by low priority, bandwidth-hungry uses for non-educational purposes. iv. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-based network congestion; the primary cause of the bandwidth problems is P2P file-sharing software (such as Morpheus, Gnutella, and KaZaa). These programs allow an individual to connect to a network of other users and exchange music, video, and other types of files.

Truly it showed-that providing limited access to few sites, files, etc. Because allowing unlimited access may cause some trouble to the website, it may be the security issue, network issue, troubleshoot problems. And by allowing only a few authorized-persons for visiting the site most importantly for the few farts of the webpage will be helpful for us to maintain the secured website.  Allowing the access for website based on the based on the geographical network with the help of the google maps will help the authorized person to find the exact traffic of the website.

Literature Survey:

We do not have the tools that can be used to keep track of traffic. We analytics cannot be determined so the business cannot know about the traffic statistics and hence cannot be monitored.  An online business without an analyzer wouldn’t be a great business. The owner might waste his time and budget on something that’s unnecessary.  There are drawbacks of not having an analyzer such as, there will be no proper security and hence the threats cannot be stopped. There will be no data storage and no tracking of users which will affect the website directly and indirectly. 


This network traffic analyses show there is unwise bandwidth utilization in the campus network, and is a serious and emerging challenge for almost all organisations in the present world information technology. Lack of appropriate bandwidth management is preventing useful Internet access which in turn yielding low quality of academic and research works. Better management of bandwidth makes Internet access wider especially for those who need it in actual. Unfortunately there is relatively little understanding about the importance of managing bandwidth because of low awareness, lack of technical staff, improper implementation of Internet usage policy, non supportive attitude of authorities, etc. Bandwidth is a very valuable and limited resource, so there is a need to enhance awareness level among all stakeholders- students, researchers and staff within the university education system in addition to implement a common acceptable policy. 


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